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Citing several examples, alleges jobs at Ford Motor Company for Negroes are largely undesirable, unhealthful, poorly paid, and used for coercive purposes.

Describes Negro's shift of allegiance from Republican to Democratic Party, influence of church, and of the Ford Motor Company on Negro politics, and gerrymandering of wards with large Negro concentration.

Summarizes efforts and success of Ford, Chrysler, and GM in employing "hard core" unemployed.

Makes occasional references to the auto industry, Detroit, Ford and the UAW.

UAW experiences, particularly the Ford organizing drive, furnish many of the examples in this book. Gives UAW Negro membership, by locals, in 1937.

Three page account of the 1941 Ford Strike by UAW Director of Negro Organizational Activities.

This address, made in Detroit, attacks such evidences of racism as Detroit Police Department's "Frame-up" of James Victory, actions of Board of Education, Ford Motor Company, American Federation of Labor and Urban League and NAACP.

Editor of Michigan Chronicle and President of Michigan Civil Rights Federation join President of Michigan Division, National Negro Congress, in pointing out to Ford Motor Company the racial implications of their action in the Ford Strike.

Gives text of talk by Secretary of Ford Local 600 and President of the Council.
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