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Includes lists of officers, members of standing committees of the club, formed to "study history, political and social science, a knowledge of the civil and political institutions of the state and nation" Among officers are D. Augustus Straker and…

Biography of Elizabeth Denison Forth, former slave who left her life savings to a church on Grosse Ile

Describes briefly Ford activities in Inkster and in Detroit's Negro churches and role of Negro in organizing Rouge Plant

Synthesizes information in Detroit Riot made available to National Advisory Commitee on Civil Disorders p. 67-100 Detroit

Finds Negro participation in outdoor recreation much less than white

Gives statistics by sub-community on the "life styles including travel patterns" in Macomb, Oakland, Wayne area in Southeastern Michigan


"Attempt[s] to asses those patterns and processes which are common to all communities and those which vary."

Cites lack of education and work skills and community racial discriminatory practices as major reasons for long-term dependency of the 76.5% non-whote in the 281 cases studies. Describes typcial case as Negro woman, born in rural Georgia, separated…
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