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Describes a multi-faceted project to provide interracial school experiences to white and Negro pupils [and teachers] in three racially unbalanced schools in and about Detroit.

Mentions many individuals, as oldest Flint families, ministers, first members of organized labor, barbers, club women, and their groupings.

(Special Studies in U.S. Economic and Social Development) Compares those characterstics of six large school systems which relate to financing, administration, innovation. For Detroit, emphasizes degree of openness, as "measured by nature of power and…

Self concepts of black youths in a 1966 federally funded project seem related to skin color but educational expectations do not.

Covers period beginning with 1688; bibliography cites relevant manuscripts and published material at Burton Historical Collection.

1782 Census of Detroit shows 179 slaves being held by Detroit families.

Describes housing conditions near site of proposed Brewster-Douglas Project.

U.S. Housing Official replies to criticism of methods of site clearance for Brewster Housing Project

Describes elements fostering Packard hate strikes, Sojourner Truth Riots, and other divisive activities.
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