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Analyzes "various economic, occupational and social welfare problems in Detroit in need of adjustment."

Presents information on restrictive attitudes and practices of financial institutions and of realtors.

Reports on racial policies of individual United community Service agencies offering camping services, help to the aged, and to children. A six page supplement, issued three months later, showed some agencies to have modified their racial policies.

Surveys social statistics and social services available in area 62% black.

Analyzes characteristics, membership, neighborhood problems, typical activities, of block clubs in a predominantly Negro area.

Quotes from reports, letters, newspaper articles to prove that interracial public housing has worked other places and should be practiced in Detroit.

Lists causes of the Riot as judged by Detroit Negroes living in Riot areas.

Compares "Police Department conditions in 1957-58 with those in 1962-63; [finds] no appreciable gains of Negroes either entering the Police Department, promotions, or integrating the force."
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