The author's book of the same title, with almost identical text, the same comprehensive bibliography, and the addition of a thorough index, was published by the University of Illinois Press in 1973, after the closing date for inclusion In this…
"History of the free Negro in nineteenth century Detroit has been marked by two distinct social phenomena: first, nearly all the city's blacks belonged to a caste apart from the rest of society, and secondly, the black caste was stratified into…
Includes data on employment, housing, crime, education, churches, and so forth, largely from Negro in Detroit, compiled for the Mayor's Inter-Racial Committee, and Haynes Negro Newcomers in Detroit.
Using Flint Public Schools' "Better Tomorrow for the Urban Child," program, studies whether students' self-concept materially affects his intellectually achievement.
Makes infrequent references (i.e., pg. 21, 34, 54, 65, 68, 79) to Michigan developments - a Negro assembly in Bay City, and comments on all-Negro assemblies in Advance and Labor Leaf, and Plain-dealer.
Describes employment situation in Detroit area, and the creation and work of the Detroit Office of the Committee on Fair Employment Practices and of the Minority Group Service Division of the War Manpower Commission.