Browse Items (11 total)

Chairman of the Inner City Organizing Committee of Detroit predicts events and trends in 1967.

Gives objectives of Bulletin's publisher, Detroit Civic Rights Committee; text of a plea for greater Negro employment in Friend of the Court agency; brief news notes; and articles describing various Negro clubs and organizations.

Describes black organizing activities before and after Riot.

Investigates influence of NAACP, National Urban League, CORE, and SNCC on public educational policy in Detroit, 1960 to 1965.

Documents some two dozen instances of integration in Michigan cities from May 1954 to May 1956, in fields of education, employment, housing, organizations, public accommodations, religion, politics.

Speakers at meeting chaired by Rev. Hill include Horace White, Christopher Alston, R.J. Thomas, Mayor Jeffries, and Dr. J.J. McClendon.

Gives purposes, activities, officers, member organizations.

Plan, prepared at request of NAACP, recommends districts for subdivision of Detroit Branch.

Contains review of previous related projects and description of target area; analysis of life style of youths; tabulations of related social agencies, public and private; educational programs; recreation facilities; job training and employment…
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