Studies nature of the social service offered to ninety active non-white male cases known to Detroit Department of Public Welfare as of March 1949 where acute illness is the principal problem.
This "detailed record of the situation when the number of employable persons in the case load had reached an all time low" is analyzed by race, sex, and age.
Excerpts reports from city agencies serving children (i.e. Public Schools, Parks and Recreation) or having functions of health, law enforcement and rehabilitation, and welfare; and from Michigan Employment Security Commission and United Community…
Using data of 1925, gives factual information on Negro in Detroit in following areas: population; industry; thrift and business; housing; health; recreation; education; crime; religion; community organization; and welfare.
Asks city to insist that all hospitals in new Medical Center give full staff privileges to qualified physicians regardless of race. Describes present policies of Children's, Grace, Woman's, and Harper Hospitals