Exhibit at the Historical Museum was gathered together with the help of the Heirloom Society, Booker T. Washington Trade Association and other groups and individuals.
Gives text of the platform of a convention meeting in Cleveland, August 24-26, 1854, favoring voluntary emigration and colonization. President of the 102-member convention was William C. Monroe of Michigan.
(Appears also, as p. 501-502 of Aptheker, Herbert. A Documentary History of the Negro People in the United States. New York, Citadel, 1951) Gives text of "Thrilling Narrative from the Lips of the Sufferers of the Late Detroit Riot, March 6, 1863."
(Appeared also as Senate Document no. 64, 54th Congress, 1st session) Gives text of militant demand to Congress for equal rights, formulated at founding convention in Detroit, January 1896.