(Appeared also as Senate Document no. 64, 54th Congress, 1st session) Gives text of militant demand to Congress for equal rights, formulated at founding convention in Detroit, January 1896.
Lists useful books, films and filmstrips, posters, portraits, records, artifacts and recent lesson plans for African history unit. Acknowledges help of several Detroiters, among them Mrs. Margaret Ashworth, Mrs. Catherine Blackwell, and Mrs. Jessie…
Study covers persons living in a public housing project, in low-cost downtown hotels and rooming houses, and in their own homes. Groups were about equally divided, black and white.
Excerpts reports from city agencies serving children (i.e. Public Schools, Parks and Recreation) or having functions of health, law enforcement and rehabilitation, and welfare; and from Michigan Employment Security Commission and United Community…
Reports on history, objectives, finances, accomplishments. Urges community provision for adult education and financial help to provide more scholarships.