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(Michigan. Legislature. 1857. Senate Document No. 24) Lists the 93 petitioners.

Account begins with year 1773.

Gives brief account of Detroit activities of Noble Drew Ali, and of Master Wallace Fard Muhammad.

Quotes Frank Ditto on influence of riots on politics in Detroit and other cities.

Finds no significant race differences when relating physical, mental and environmental factors to articulation in speech-handicapped Negro and white children in Ypsilanti School District, Number 1 fractional, Willow Run, in 1950-51.

P. 30-42. American People and the American Crisis. (Reprinted in Speak Out, Bulletin of the Facing Realities Publishing Committee. 1:24-34. April 27, 1964) Summarizes responses of various groups in the Detroit area (academic community, white workers,…

p. 344-348. Slavery and the Colored Race. P.750-751. Colored Schools.

Contains occasional references to Battle Creek, Sojouner Truth's last home.

Among signers of statement are Rev. T.S. Boone, Rev. Charles A. Hill, and Mrs. Edna B. Bronson.
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