Browse Items (8 total)

Describes work of the Negro counselor added in early 1938 to the staff of the Community Counseling Service quartered in Ypsilanti High School.

Describes brief orientation program with advance commitment of jobs.

Describes an experiment in Ypsilanti in teaching functionally retarded, culturally deprived Negro preschool children.

Studies "adjustment of seventy-five Negro men, ages twenty to fifty who migrated to Ypsilanti during the years 1940 to 1957."

Concludes from study of Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor mothers, that socialization practices rather than value differences are the significant factors underlying inability of lower class children to conform to middle class standards of behavior.

Includes case studies of two Negro dropouts and comparison of other Negro and white dropouts, now living in Ypsilanti

Describes and evaluates many Detroit programs (as production of pre-primer series using Negro characters; second-hand paperback libraries in English classrooms; summer program; adult after-school and evening classes in skills areas; child help;…

Finds no significant race differences when relating physical, mental and environmental factors to articulation in speech-handicapped Negro and white children in Ypsilanti School District, Number 1 fractional, Willow Run, in 1950-51.
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