Cooperative Study with Michigan Employment Security Commission and U.S. Employment Service looks at unemployment and underemployment, by sex, age, race, and other population characteristics in inner city Detroit area in late 1966.
Narrates exploits of Eugene Beatty, Booker Brooks, De Hart Hubbard, Benjamin Goode, Harry C. Graves, Joe Louis, Percy Stanley Simmons, Gideon Smith, Eddie Tolan, Allen Wesley, Willis Ward, William Watson, and Sports writer Russ Cowan.
Concludes, from a sample of one hundred aged Negores, living in Detroit's tenth police precinct and receiving old age assistance in 1960 that the aged Negro "is in double jeopardy: first by being a Negro and second by being aged"
Exploratory study of formal educational experiences of Negro youth living in a Detroit poverty area finds low-motivated students to be skeptical of early success and to maintain low aspirations after early failures.