Study contrasts "speech patterns of various socioeconomic groups," correlates speech with social stratification toward goal of better teaching of standard English.
"Study of the efforts of five Detroit group work agencies [in period 1940-1950] to improve their interracial practices and of the community factors which impeded or accelerated these efforts."
Relation of race to unemployment is analyzed in this study of the 1957 and 1958 work experiences of five hundred former Packard employees.
Printed for the Use of the Special Committee on Unemployment Problems, 86th Congress, 1st session
Using Citizens Committee reports of 1958, makes intracomparisons of Detroit school equipment and pupil performances; ranks schools by students' family income level.
With "evidence obtained from the study of a single large, Norther urban public-school system" [Detroit] demonstrates "that our public-school system has become an instrument of social and economic class distinctions in American society."