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pg. 82-105. Attitudes toward Negroes and Negro-White Relations.
Reports attitudes of several hundred Detroit area residents, about 11% black, in summer 1951, as revealed by in-depth interviews.

"First three chapters are a brief account of Michigan's slave heritage."


Cites federal and state judicial decisions regarding employment, housing, education, public accommodations.

Covers period beginning with 1688; bibliography cites relevant manuscripts and published material at Burton Historical Collection.

Describes employment situation in Detroit area, and the creation and work of the Detroit Office of the Committee on Fair Employment Practices and of the Minority Group Service Division of the War Manpower Commission.

Studies seventy case histories of family service assistance in Oakdale Gardens Housing Project, 1950-52.

Makes infrequent references (i.e., pg. 21, 34, 54, 65, 68, 79) to Michigan developments - a Negro assembly in Bay City, and comments on all-Negro assemblies in Advance and Labor Leaf, and Plain-dealer.

Using Flint Public Schools' "Better Tomorrow for the Urban Child," program, studies whether students' self-concept materially affects his intellectually achievement.

Describes and evaluates a series of assembly programs on intercultural education conducted at St. Philip High School, Battle Creek, in 1947.

Joseph Ferguson and son, John C., and a Chicago doctor born in Ypsilanti, George C. Hall, are among subjects of biographies.
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