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Analyzes area which has "changed from middle-class white to middle-class Negro to lower-class Negro."

Reports a leadership training program for members of Federation of Aid to Dependent Children Mothers.

Exploratory study of formal educational experiences of Negro youth living in a Detroit poverty area finds low-motivated students to be skeptical of early success and to maintain low aspirations after early failures.

Narrates exploits of Eugene Beatty, Booker Brooks, De Hart Hubbard, Benjamin Goode, Harry C. Graves, Joe Louis, Percy Stanley Simmons, Gideon Smith, Eddie Tolan, Allen Wesley, Willis Ward, William Watson, and Sports writer Russ Cowan.

Includes brief biographies of Cazzie Russell, Eddie Tolan, Joe Louis, Gene Lipscomb, Henry Carr, Hayes Jones, and Sugar Ray Robinson

Captioned as "Chapter Twelve," this is apparently part of a study of the Riot


Compares Detroit's 1964 vote on open occupancy with those in Berkeley, California, and Akron, Ohio; finds "considerable uniformity of voting behavior on race-related issues."

This address, made in Detroit, attacks such evidences of racism as Detroit Police Department's "Frame-up" of James Victory, actions of Board of Education, Ford Motor Company, American Federation of Labor and Urban League and NAACP.

p. 195-233. Freedom of Residence: the People vs. Ossian H. Sweet et. al. in the Recorder's Court of Detroit--the Negro Segregation Problem. A defense attorney in the Sweet case describes it in great detail.

"An excellent preliminary survey of the condition of Negroes in Detroit with a brief summary of causes of migration. Includes a program of action for the churches." Contains much factual information on where Negroes lived and worked, amount of rent…
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