"Study of the efforts of five Detroit group work agencies [in period 1940-1950] to improve their interracial practices and of the community factors which impeded or accelerated these efforts."
Study contrasts "speech patterns of various socioeconomic groups," correlates speech with social stratification toward goal of better teaching of standard English.
This bound, unpublished volume available at the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, contains excerpts from printed materials, replies to queries of persons still living concerning their memories of the Railroad, and other miscellany.
"Describes functioning of the Citizens Advisory Council in the planning of the new Eastern High School."
ICP Case Series no. 95; published for the Inter-University Case Program
Introductory Sketch of the Author by Rev. Henry M. Turner. Chapter 111. Professor D. Augustus Straker. pg. 744-751. Chapter 127. Samuel C. Watson. P. 860-865. Chapter 154. Robert Pelham, Jr.. P. 1022-1026.