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Describes project, later funded, "for reduction and control of delinquency and youth crime" in Detroit's Tenth Police Precinct, through combining mental health, social work, education and law with community respresentation.

Summarizes eleven reports defining problems and needs in "housing, employment, education, health, commerce and industry, crime and delinquency, public and social services, public facilities, recreation and culture, transportation, and community…

(Reprinted as p.505-509 of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Hearings in Detroit, Michigan, December 14, 1960 and December 15, 1960. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print Off., 1961) After considering Police Department's Defenses, reiterates opposition…

Extension of report, "Who Riots" appearing in Supplementary Studies of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.

Negro Youth. Presents data, secured from youth agencies, as to numbers, place of residence, living conditions, delinquency, employment, ratings on intelligence and aptitude tests, education, organizational affiliation, recreational interests and…

Describes Detroit origins of the movement; evaluates educational program.

Describes precipitating incident as arrest of six Negro men in Ace's Grill on 294 LaBelle, on charges of loitering. Lists Glen Showerman as temporary chairman.
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