Browse Items (8 total)

Counseling in middle grades in Royal Oak Township Schools does not produce more realistic aspirations or reduce underachievement.

Gives historical and current data on this "Negro Community."

Studies interaction of black students from Old Carver School District in Royal Oak Township and white students in Oak Park, after annexation by latter of former district.

Describes "origin and evolution of an urban redevelopment program in the Township of Royal Oak [and] covers the period July 1, 1953 to January 1, 1961

Analyzes reasons for failure of 68% of mothers in head-start program in the Royal Oak Township part of Ferndale to participate in group activities.

pt. 18. Detroit Hearings (Industrial Section) p. 7069-7766. Partial Contents: -Statement [and Testimony] by George Edwards, Director-Secretary, Detroit Housing Commission (p. 7239-7257) -Testimony [and Statement] of Abner E. Larned, State…
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