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Surveys status or race relations in Grand Rapids in housing, employment, education, civil protection, recreation, social agency services, health services; recommends establishment of permanent human relations agency to deal with these problems.

Finds no cases of active but some of passive discrimination. Recommends an affirmative action employment program

Includes text of speeches by panelists at the workshop on urban problems.

Areas discussed include housing, education, employment, attitude of churches.

"Package of resource materials to assist teachers in providing special classroom learning experiences designed to teach students about human rights, the dignity of men and related human values"


Recognizing existence of de facto segregation and Board's responsibility to take positive action, makes numerous recommendations.

Surveys community attitudes and asses cultural awareness of Detroit black community.

Studies interaction of black students from Old Carver School District in Royal Oak Township and white students in Oak Park, after annexation by latter of former district.

Describes and evaluates many Detroit programs (as production of pre-primer series using Negro characters; second-hand paperback libraries in English classrooms; summer program; adult after-school and evening classes in skills areas; child help;…

p. 20-22 Free Schools and the Negro. Gives background of court case which abolished "separate colored schools" in Detroit.
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