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Broadside distributed during 1943 Riot.

Editor of Michigan Chronicle and President of Michigan Civil Rights Federation join President of Michigan Division, National Negro Congress, in pointing out to Ford Motor Company the racial implications of their action in the Ford Strike.

President of Detroit NAACP condemns housing authorities' policies, cites statistics of unsatisfied need for Negro housing.

Extension of report, "Who Riots" appearing in Supplementary Studies of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.

Explores "extent of disturbance in chart participation connected with relocation" of seventy-seven Negro families living in Elmwood Park Renewal Area No. 1 in 1962.

Gives historical and current information on a "stable and egalitarian" community, biracial for more than a century, Cass County Michigan.

Investigates the July 1967 torture-murder of black youths, allegedly by the Detroit police.

Analyzes area which has "changed from middle-class white to middle-class Negro to lower-class Negro."

Reports a leadership training program for members of Federation of Aid to Dependent Children Mothers.

Exploratory study of formal educational experiences of Negro youth living in a Detroit poverty area finds low-motivated students to be skeptical of early success and to maintain low aspirations after early failures.
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