Browse Items (1497 total)

Compares differences in values, attitudes, and expectations of eighty nine Negro and white elementary school teachers, toward Negro and white pupils from low income families in a midwestern urban community.

Detroiter is Ramon A. Martinez, "moving spirit in Negro Nationalist Society which originated in Detroit."

Attacks Frank Ditto, and Dan Aldridge, for their actions in the Detroit public school system.

Discusses the results of the merger of two economically dissimilar school districts in 1960.


Studies interaction of black students from Old Carver School District in Royal Oak Township and white students in Oak Park, after annexation by latter of former district.

Describes and evaluates many Detroit programs (as production of pre-primer series using Negro characters; second-hand paperback libraries in English classrooms; summer program; adult after-school and evening classes in skills areas; child help;…

p. 20-22 Free Schools and the Negro. Gives background of court case which abolished "separate colored schools" in Detroit.

p. 38-40. The Experience of One Church. Tells how Friendship Babptist Church bought a site and financed a building in a redeveloped area.

Uses Detroit primary grade children in project to test effectiveness of tapes in developing their standard English dialect.

Central High School English Director reports results of a survey of 1200 Detroit high school students' familiarity with "unacceptable" speech patterns.
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