Contains much detail on the Detroit branch: internal activities (1914, p.8 and 1957, p.29); national conferences held in Detroit (1921, p. 69 and 1936, p. 27); receipt of Thalheimer award (1948, p. 17); and lauding of Dr. Alf Thomas, promoter of $100…
First report includes a "city-wide Negro Survey," for proposed Brewster-Douglas homes, covering average rents, family size, residents' occupations, and other social data. Second report gives like figures for other areas. Fifth report includes…
Contains Mayor's account of Riots; chronology of events from 3:30 a.m., July 23, 1967 to 8:55 a.m., August 15; statistical data on arrestees; summary of federal programs; demographic statistics; description of New Detroit Committee; and…