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Detroit Urban League and other civic organizations have forced Meinzinger Art School to remove ban against Negro students.

Describes "attempts of Community X [Grand Rapids] to achieve for all its youth a high-quality integrated education."

Evaluates the program of the Association, created in 1919 as recreational facility for Negro servicemen stationed at Camp Custer. Recommends enlargement of function beyond recreation, and services to all races in area.

Includes descriptions of Blackburn and Faulkner Riots, with citations from newspapers and contemporary documents.

Summarizes interviews with 222 young activists, the majority participants in, or on streets during, the July Riots.

Text of Detroit Board of Education complaint against state of Michigan that present school aid formula discriminates against Detroit school children

Criticizes recommendations of William J. Norton (Survey Graphic, 1943) for "piping down on stentorian drives for total equality," and outlines alternative program.


Considers various interpretations of the meaning of the Riots.

The sociologist and the psychologist at Jackson Prison report on studies of ninety-seven Negroes, eight whites committed after the 1943 Riot. Reprinted as pg. 298-304 of Grimshaw, Allen D. Racial Violence in the United States. Chicago, Aldine, 1969.
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