Publisher Charlotte Perry lists "leading business and professional men, women and institutions [and] functioning clubs, fraternal and religious organizations."
Volume 1 of this unindexed work describes sale of slaves (p. 196); legislation on slavery (p. 227-228); colored schools (p. 743). Includes chapter on slavery and the underground railroad (p. 475-484).
Gives objectives of Bulletin's publisher, Detroit Civic Rights Committee; text of a plea for greater Negro employment in Friend of the Court agency; brief news notes; and articles describing various Negro clubs and organizations.
Ratings, based on condition of civil rights, labor unions, treatment of Negroes by police, etc. range from "very good" for Pontiac, to "poor" for Detroit, and "bad" for Grand Rapids.
p. 455-464. Kornegay, Francis A. Our Community: Seven Critical Problems Facing US. Problems are continuing migration to Detroit, employment and underemployment, housing and urban renewal, educational opportunity, hospital and medical services, social…