Urges CIO vote at upcoming Ford representation elections. Carries statements by five black Ford workers: Shelton Tappes, Walter B. Morgan, Veal Clough, Tanner T. Perry, and Al Johnson
Covers period October 15, 1944 to February 15, 1946. Director Crockett reports on committee publications, disposition of complaints, pressure for state and federal FEP legislation, progress toward securing model "no-discrimination" clauses in…
Through reproductions of newspaper stories and pictures gives background of UAW recognition by Ford Motor Company in 1941. Pictures of Negroes point up their role in organizing drive.
1943 Minorities Department p 370-389; 1944 [Nomination of Shelton Tappes as Vice-President] p 406-407; 1959 [Nominations of Willoughby Abner and Robert Battle as Vice-Presidents] p. 360-364; 1962 [Nomination and Election of Nelson Jack Edwards Board…