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This new edition of the study of Detroit's 1943 Riot includes an introduction written after the 1967 Riot.

Describes exploits of Detroiters Captain Charles Thomas and Specialist of S. Hal Johnson.

Examines "distribution of class attitudes [in 1960] within a large segment of Detroit's blue-collar world." Data is available for racial and ethnic groups.

Analyzes attitudes of 375 male blue-collar Detroiters, nearly half from predominantly black areas.

In studying 375 male residents of seven Detroit ethnic districts, finds formerly agrarian Negroes most class-conscious.

Reports results of interviews in two predominantly black Detroit communities with high unemployment, one east side, one west side, as to expectations of violence if recession continues.

Characterizes several religious groupings as revealed by the Detroit area study, among them Negro Protestants.

Describes OEO-funded project, co-sponsored by Wayne and Detroit Public Schools to improve job counseling in selected inner city schools.

Summarizes "the public debate between civil rights organizations and the police factor which make the problem complex [and] some of the positive steps that have been proposed."

Describes flow of information and "activities of people in Detroit during the Riot," with comparison of black and white attitudes.
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