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Explores "extent of disturbance in chart participation connected with relocation" of seventy-seven Negro families living in Elmwood Park Renewal Area No. 1 in 1962.

Contains statement of purpose, roster of officers and directors, and program for the banquet.

Editor of Michigan Chronicle and President of Michigan Civil Rights Federation join President of Michigan Division, National Negro Congress, in pointing out to Ford Motor Company the racial implications of their action in the Ford Strike.

President of Detroit NAACP condemns housing authorities' policies, cites statistics of unsatisfied need for Negro housing.

Persons studied are "a group of young Negro adolescents, living in a lower social-economic area of a great industrial metropolis."

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Extension of report, "Who Riots" appearing in Supplementary Studies of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.

Compilations of original source materials relating to John C. Dancy, Negro teacher, politician, orator, and journalist.


Gives brief history of each A.M.E. Church in Michigan, and describes its available records.

pg. 31: Zion Baptist Church
pg. 232-236: African ME Church
pg. 237-240: Ebenezer ME Chapel. Presents brief history, and for ME churches, names of members and staff.

Comparison of parent-school communications finds parents in low income Negro schools to have higher interest in education and to initiate more school contacts than parents in racially mixed schools.
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