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Letter, signed by Executive Secretary, bemoans weak stand of public agencies, and newspapers, on eliminating discrimination in public housing.

Reprints from Bay City Times, and text of resolution adopted by supervisors; urges immediate state and federal action condemning the supervisors.

Housing problems and 1943 Riot make this report of special interest.

Sumamrizes a series of "eight forums held simultaneously in the major Negro communities of Detroit for a period of six successive weeks."

Contains much detail on the Detroit branch: internal activities (1914, p.8 and 1957, p.29); national conferences held in Detroit (1921, p. 69 and 1936, p. 27); receipt of Thalheimer award (1948, p. 17); and lauding of Dr. Alf Thomas, promoter of $100…

Finds non-white mothers have more children at younger age; as affluence and urbanization increase, fertility decreases.
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