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Studies usefulness of in-school youth work training program in Eastern and Northeastern High Schools in 1965-1966.

"Resume of the recent five-volume report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights" includes summaries of three city survery (New York, Detroit, Dallas, Fort Worth) on the federal government as employer, made in 1960; of Committee on Government…

Captioned as "Chapter Ten," this is apparently part of a study of the Riot.

Analyzes reasons for failure of 68% of mothers in head-start program in the Royal Oak Township part of Ferndale to participate in group activities.

Comparative data, as of late 1920's and 1930 on churches in Detroit and eleven other American cities.

Analyzes 1960 Census data and concludes "Negro Detroiters are more segregated in their housing today than they were three decade ago."

Treats historically the annexation of predominantly Negro Carver School district to Oak Park district.

By testing youth at Detroit Youth Opportunity Center finds group administered EPI (Environmental Participation Index) a "quick, convenient, method of assessing extent of a cultural deprivation by exposure, for male subjects."
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