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Condemns Detroit Police Department and its Commissioner, Harry S. Toy, for anti-Negro and anti-union violence.

Ratings, based on condition of civil rights, labor unions, treatment of Negroes by police, etc. range from "very good" for Pontiac, to "poor" for Detroit, and "bad" for Grand Rapids.

Explores black worker's relation to management, to white labor, and to the union.

Using questionnaires and interviews, compiles such data as types of work, conditions of labor, hours, methods of pay, discriminatory practices toward Negro workers, relationship with unions.

Makes occasional references to the auto industry, Detroit, Ford and the UAW.

Mentions W. Richard Carter, President, Local 49, Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers at the Defoe Shipbuilding Company, Bay City, Michigan; and Walter Hardin, UAW.

UAW experiences, particularly the Ford organizing drive, furnish many of the examples in this book. Gives UAW Negro membership, by locals, in 1937.

Editor of Michigan Chronicle and President of Michigan Civil Rights Federation join President of Michigan Division, National Negro Congress, in pointing out to Ford Motor Company the racial implications of their action in the Ford Strike.

Gives text of talk by Secretary of Ford Local 600 and President of the Council.

Makes reference to racial composition of Detroit, housing problems, and relationship of Negro to union. Contains vivid description of 1943 Race Riot.
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