Browse Items (71 total)

Condemns Detroit Police Department and its Commissioner, Harry S. Toy, for anti-Negro and anti-union violence.

Describes Gordy case and its background, and similar episodes of the past.

Analyzes interviews secured from area residents to trace causes of events in week of August 9, 1966.

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Reports "findings of an extensive study of how young people feel about the police and how police feel about young people, particularly youth in the inner cities" of Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Muskegon Heights.

Includes descriptions of Blackburn and Faulkner Riots, with citations from newspapers and contemporary documents.

Makes brief references to Detroit origin of the Muslims.

Police harassment of young Black Berets following murder of newspaper publisher Charles Cade is among NAACP charges.

Gives police account of shooting of Cynthia Scott on July 5, 1963.

Describes People's Tribunal convened by City-wide Citizens Action Committee to try "white policemen accused of murdering black boys in rebellion."

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(Reprinted as p.505-509 of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Hearings in Detroit, Michigan, December 14, 1960 and December 15, 1960. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print Off., 1961) After considering Police Department's Defenses, reiterates opposition…
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