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Recommends dispersal of future low income housing, integration at first grade and following, preparation for changes in school curricula, personnel, and parent education, with September 1971 as target date for achieving balance.

One Michigan hospital only, Dunbar Memorial in Detroit, is listed as a hospital where Negro interns serve.


Tables for states, based on the 1926 Census of Religion, show more than 400% increase from 1916 to 1926 in Negro Baptist membership in Michigan.

Surveys Children's, Crittenden, Grace, New Grace, Harper, Holy Cross, Mt. Carmel, Mercy, Providence, St. Joseph's Mercy, Sinai, and Woman's Hospitals as to medical and nursing staff, and patient practices.

Reports improvements in both stated policies and practices since 1964 report

Traditional child rearing attidues characterize poor women who have never worked outside the home.

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Analyzes "variations in attitudes and behavior [of random sample of Detroit Negro clergy] against the background of the current civil rights movement, [and evaluates] the Negro clergy's impact on the political life" of Detroit

Finds no significant differences between IQ's of seventy six white, seventy six Negro subjects, both groups reared in the North, selected from Herman Kiefer in-patients, and matched for age, education, physical disability.

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