Explores alternate methods of dealing with seniority in the post-World War II period and considers problems of automobile industry and auto manufacturers.
Finds response of 704 students at five universities, including Wayne and Michigan, to anger-provoking situations to be more affected by cultural than by racial membership.
Contents: This is City of Promise to Negro, pg. 1+; Big Problem to Negroes Sill Housing, pg. 1+; Races Show How to Live in Harmony, pg. 1+; Economic Progress, pg. 3+; Negro Faces Rough Fight in Business, pg. 3+; Three Groups Aid Negroes, pg. 3+;…
Contents: Jackson Negroes Favor Dignified Equality Drive; Too Many Job Areas Closed, Negroes Say; Moving 'Out" Major Problem to Negroes; Fortunate Negro One Who Adapts Quickly; Chance For Understanding, Good Life by Peaceful Means, Is Negro Wish.
Analyzes ninety-six cases to determine referral source, nature of problem, services given by the Bureau, length of services, and reasons for closing the case.
Evaluates 1966-1967 Project II at Denby and Kettering High Schools. Project II pairs some [one hundred] Detroit predominantly whit or Negro schools in sports and club activities.