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The Catalytic Role of Governmental Human Relations Agencies, by Richard V. Marks; Activities of the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Hospitals of the Detroit Commission on Community Relations, by Richard S. Emrich; The Detroit Experience in the…

First of a three-part "comprehensive study of the Negro problem" includes map showing sections in which Negroes live.

Third article gives reasons "for the Negro leaving the South, chiefly Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee, and coming to Detroit in preference to other cities."

Contents: Planning Indicated in City Race Riots, p.1+; Local, International Plot Clues Plentiful, p. 1+; Oriental Influence in Riot Background, p. 13; Race Riots Brewing Years before Break, p.3; Anti-Semitism Cited as a Prelude to Riot, p. 7; Norris…

Concludes "there was no justifiable reason for the inadequate procedures (to safeguard civil rights) utilized in Detroit."

Describes the Riot weekend and its aftermath.

Typical journey on the Underground Railroad is described.

Compares "labor market experiences and consequent social-political adjustment of Negroes and whites, unemployed as result of Packard Motor Car Company close-down of June 1956."

The sociologist and the psychologist at Jackson Prison report on studies of ninety-seven Negroes, eight whites committed after the 1943 Riot. Reprinted as pg. 298-304 of Grimshaw, Allen D. Racial Violence in the United States. Chicago, Aldine, 1969.
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