Browse Items (1497 total)

Among priests described are Fathers Burgess and Dukette.

Includes brief description of the UAW 1943 convention fight on issue of Negro board members.

Compares performance of 355 Negro, Polish, and white American ten-year-old pupils in Detroit and Hamtramck on both types of tests; finds Negro children do not consistently score lower than white.

Study compares social, psychological and occupational differences between Negros and whites in the 1951 population of state prison at Jackson.


The Detroit Area Study of the Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, finds participation of Negroes in organizations is greater than of whites of similar economic status.

Describes and evaluates conception and execution of the project involving "adoption" of Northwestern High School by Chrystler Corporation in 1968.

Gives historical and current data on this "Negro Community."

Compares opinions secured in a community opinion survey with estimates of those opinions made by steering committee of the Community Planning for Schools Group to Plan New Eastern High School. Negro members were no more accurate in estimating…
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