Michigan. This state-by state directory of cities to which Negroes made large contributions lists, with reasons, Addison, Battle Creek, Cassopolis, Darborn, Detroit, Marshall, Muskegon, and Vandalia.
Lists and describes the Benevolent Society, Willing Workers Society, and Phyllis Wheatley Home of Detroit; Ann Arbor's Women's Club; and two Negro working-girls' homes, one in Detroit, the other in Grand Rapids.
Describes Underground Railroad operations through Battle Creek, gives brief histories of several black families, and of Sojourner Truth, lists blacks and their occupations as given in 1869-70 Calhoun County Business Directory, and gives current…
Gives scattered and unindexed information, i.e. names of state Negro women dentists, size of state Negro dental societies, distribution of Negro dentists by state, 1940 and 1945