Browse Items (1497 total)

p. 35-38. Statement of Rev. Horace A. White, Chairman, Detroit Council for Permanent Fair Employment Practice Commission. Statement includes list of persons and organizations represented by White

p. 31-42. Statement [and Testimony] of Arthur Yim, Director of Business Service, Mayor's Development Team, Detroit, Michigan. (Reprinted by Mayor's Development Team as separate pamphlet

pt. 18. Detroit Hearings (Industrial Section) p. 7069-7766. Partial Contents: -Statement [and Testimony] by George Edwards, Director-Secretary, Detroit Housing Commission (p. 7239-7257) -Testimony [and Statement] of Abner E. Larned, State…

p. 81-99 [Testimony, Exhibits, and] Statement of Dr. Charles H. Wright, President, International Afro American Museum, Inc., Detroit, Michigan

Directory contains two listings for Michigan: ICBIF and ACCORD

Reports results of surveys of housing, employment, and of work of presently existing resource agencies and organizations

Contains findings and recommendations resulting from three open meetings

Summarizes reports from sub-committees on education, employment practices, migratory labor, housing and voting

In describing federal government's role in housing; summarizes Detroit's experience in housing, persons displaced by Federal programs and public housing impact on minorities

Testimony and statements presented concern employment practices, particularly in automobile and chemical industries, union practices with respect to training, education, housing, and police relations
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