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Contrasts state white and non-white rates; discusses Michigan's unfavorable position in state rankings and the number on Michigan killer of non-whites--tuberculosis.

Presents and assesses figures, some estimated, for period 1940-1970, on population by age, color, and sex.

Predicts that Detroit's 1970 population will see great growth of younger blacks, older whites.

Describes "an inner-city program sponsored by Plymouth United Church of Christ to develop a community organization and group-work program" in an urban redevelopment area.

Youth are judged by their reading level to be, in actual performance, several grades below their school-assigned grade. This policy of "social promotion," increases school drop-out chances, and almost insures failure at jobs assigned because of…

Gives text of talk by Secretary of Ford Local 600 and President of the Council.

Studies both internal dynamics and external accomplishments of several civil rights groups in Grand Rapids 1961-1964. Notes that all may work effectively if at least one threatens or precipitates change.

Comparison of parent-school communications finds parents in low income Negro schools to have higher interest in education and to initiate more school contacts than parents in racially mixed schools.

pg. 31: Zion Baptist Church
pg. 232-236: African ME Church
pg. 237-240: Ebenezer ME Chapel. Presents brief history, and for ME churches, names of members and staff.

Gives brief history of each A.M.E. Church in Michigan, and describes its available records.
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