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Citing several examples, alleges jobs at Ford Motor Company for Negroes are largely undesirable, unhealthful, poorly paid, and used for coercive purposes.

Explains consequences of segregated housing patterns in Grand Rapids; considers two current proposals, public houseing and open occupancy legislation

Ratings, based on condition of civil rights, labor unions, treatment of Negroes by police, etc. range from "very good" for Pontiac, to "poor" for Detroit, and "bad" for Grand Rapids.

Lists grave of Sojourner Truth in Battle Creek; Underground Railroad marker near Cassopolis; Douglas-Brown marker in Detroit; and Crosswhite boulder in Marshall. 3rd ed.

Studies Flint School teachers and students as to how Negro students are perceived by their peers, by their teachers, and by themselves.

Makes occasional references to work of Charles D. Diggs, Jr. in securing passage of Act. Case Study 80 in the Inter-University Case Program Series..

Traces history of blacks in Detroit, and present status as revealed by 1960 census data. Begins with year 1701.

Summarizes Fund for Adult Education-financed study of the "history, accomplishments, problems and potentiality of nineteen community and neighborhood councils within the city of Detroit."
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