Browse Items (18 total)

Investigates the level of integration of 125 males grouped on basis of origin

Finds best adjusted women, among forty-five Lansing Negroes, had best health and dietary habits.

Studies responses of one hundred Lansing Negroes to racial discrimination and segregation as shown in their participation in protest groups and activities.

Describes migration to Lansing during World War II. Finds migrated Lansing Negro women, on growing affluent, drop their Southern cooking and medical habits.

Documents activities concerned with relocation of some three hundred Negro families displaced by construction of Interstate 496 through Lansing.

Employment rate of project graduates was vastly higher than before training.

Not examined: file copy available for use at National Urban League offices in New York.

Study of one hundred and fifty Negro males in Lansing shows status achievement in occupation, income and especially in education, leads to participation in collective action to reduce discrimination.
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