Presents an economic profile based on 1950 and 1960 census data which shows the large non-white population is plagued with high unemployment and lacks adequate housing, transportation, and other community benefits.
Describes growing restrictions, especially in housing and employment, facing Negroes in Detroit since World War I. Reprinted in Detroit Tribune, August 19, 1939, pg. 10
Contents: This is City of Promise to Negro, pg. 1+; Big Problem to Negroes Sill Housing, pg. 1+; Races Show How to Live in Harmony, pg. 1+; Economic Progress, pg. 3+; Negro Faces Rough Fight in Business, pg. 3+; Three Groups Aid Negroes, pg. 3+;…
[Paper given before the Class in Religion and Life of All Soul's Church] Summarizes accomplishments despite many obstacles in employment, education, housing.