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Describes pupils' background, family and home life, occupational hopes and actual realizations.


Studies "social histories of group of unmarried mothers [87% black] as to their common characteristics, their differences, the problems presented by them other than financial, and the services rendered by agency to the mother and child."

Cites lack of education and work skills and community racial discriminatory practices as major reasons for long-term dependency of the 76.5% non-whote in the 281 cases studies. Describes typcial case as Negro woman, born in rural Georgia, separated…

Studies selected seniors in two inner city schools to discover which aspects of the school program relate to improved scores on standardized tests.

Reports information secured through interviews on employment and housing conditions in parts of city having largest Negro populations. Finds conditions vastly improved over 1940, but much yet to be achieved.

Describes number, and location at various time periods.
Detroit - The Negroes, pg. 91-95

Examines those attitudes, values, life styles which would affect upward mobility of residents of a low rent area in Detroit.

Study contrasts "speech patterns of various socioeconomic groups," correlates speech with social stratification toward goal of better teaching of standard English.

Project no. 6-1347. ERIC Document ED022187.

Analyzes reasons for failure of 68% of mothers in head-start program in the Royal Oak Township part of Ferndale to participate in group activities.

Analyzes practices in six unidentified Michigan school districts.
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