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Interviews of twenty Detroit area married couples, half black, confirm hypothesis that if socio-economic status, family composition and religion are comparable, there are no significant racial differences in attitudes toward adoption.

Reports "findings of an extensive study of how young people feel about the police and how police feel about young people, particularly youth in the inner cities" of Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Muskegon Heights.

Describes "attempts of Community X [Grand Rapids] to achieve for all its youth a high-quality integrated education."

Areas discussed include housing, education, employment, attitude of churches.

Has several paragraphs each on Prophet James Francis Jones, and Lillian Wheeler Smith.

Analyzes interviews secured from area residents to trace causes of events in week of August 9, 1966.

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Using information obtained from half the Negro students (about fifty) at the University of Michigan in 1939-1940, considers economic, academic, social and health adjustment problems.

Includes Dr. William Troy, pastor of Second Baptist Church in 1857.

Discusses upset victory of John Conyers, Jr. in Detroit's First Congressional District.

Examines attitudes of residents toward neighbors and toward surroundings in a Detroit area chosen for later urban renewal.
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