Volume 1 of this unindexed work describes sale of slaves (p. 196); legislation on slavery (p. 227-228); colored schools (p. 743). Includes chapter on slavery and the underground railroad (p. 475-484).
Describes Negro's shift of allegiance from Republican to Democratic Party, influence of church, and of the Ford Motor Company on Negro politics, and gerrymandering of wards with large Negro concentration.
Presents miscellaneous data, as number of churches by denomination, building ownership status, geographical distribution and migrations status of members, church sponsored activities and narrative materials on store-front and spiritualist churches.
(Appears also, as p. 501-502 of Aptheker, Herbert. A Documentary History of the Negro People in the United States. New York, Citadel, 1951) Gives text of "Thrilling Narrative from the Lips of the Sufferers of the Late Detroit Riot, March 6, 1863."
Describes migration to Lansing during World War II. Finds migrated Lansing Negro women, on growing affluent, drop their Southern cooking and medical habits.
[Paper given before the Class in Religion and Life of All Soul's Church] Summarizes accomplishments despite many obstacles in employment, education, housing.