Browse Items (1497 total)

Detroit and Michigan figure infrequently in this unindexed work.

p. 41-45, Racial Problems
p. 83-88, Negro Representation on the International Executive Board

Studies "how one school's teachers (twenty-four black, two white) perceived the value and origin of, and their own involvement in selected school actions" as school camping, father-son night, student bowling club, school carnival.

Contains many names and pictures of various church officials, committees, societies, and brief history.

Sixth grade students, predominantly Negro, at Detroit's Boynton Elementary School, are tested as to their social preferences among other students, and correlations attempted with race.

Studies sixty-seven non-white trainees, nearly three quarters women, a majority of whom felt YEP vestibule training helpful.

Describes forced attachment of Oak Park and Carver School Districts and the establishment of an adult education program for Carver residents.

Committee, of which Dr. Remus Robinson is a member, recommends more foster care for Negro children, using more Negroes in health services, interracial councils in all areas with Negro population, and more attention to minority problems in social…

Relates group participation to demographic characteristics of interviewees and their neighborhoods in Detroit and Boston.
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