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The geographical index lists six Michiganders: J.W. Ames, George Bundy, Gabriel Davis, A.H. Johnson, W.P. Kemp, and Edward Watson.


pt. 18. Detroit Hearings (Industrial Section) p. 7069-7766. Partial Contents: -Statement [and Testimony] by George Edwards, Director-Secretary, Detroit Housing Commission (p. 7239-7257) -Testimony [and Statement] of Abner E. Larned, State…

Describes some none projects, giving racial distribution of trainees

P. 30-42. American People and the American Crisis. (Reprinted in Speak Out, Bulletin of the Facing Realities Publishing Committee. 1:24-34. April 27, 1964) Summarizes responses of various groups in the Detroit area (academic community, white workers,…

Finds sex, occupation, and community participation make significant differences in reactions to conservative versus militant leaders by parent-teacher organizations of elementary and junior high schools in metropolitan Detroit.

Tables for states, based on the 1926 Census of Religion, show more than 400% increase from 1916 to 1926 in Negro Baptist membership in Michigan.

Includes Dr. William Troy, pastor of Second Baptist Church in 1857.

Lists reasons for formation of Negro American Labor Council, and pressures within UAW for Negro membership on UAW Executive Board.

Among signers of statement are Rev. T.S. Boone, Rev. Charles A. Hill, and Mrs. Edna B. Bronson.
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