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Gives personal reactions to Tolan's victories; describes Sweet case from NAACP headquarters viewpoint.

Presents "factual data covering a wide range of tension areas," among them employment of Negro women (pg. 11) and upgrading of black workers in war plants (pg. 13-14), Sojourner Truth Housing Project (pg. 50-59), and Detroit police brutality (pg.…

Contains many tables and charts, i.e. geographical location, income, occupational distribution, of Negro college graduates 1826-1936 There are infrequent tabulations by state.


Negro Youth. Presents data, secured from youth agencies, as to numbers, place of residence, living conditions, delinquency, employment, ratings on intelligence and aptitude tests, education, organizational affiliation, recreational interests and…

Examines "how and why [the Commission's] present racial policies developed," and the Commission role in the Sojourner Truth Riot.

Protests instructions to Detroit Housing Commission to accept applications from whites

Recommends educational changes to offset effects of father-absence and public welfare support.

Studies "social histories of group of unmarried mothers [87% black] as to their common characteristics, their differences, the problems presented by them other than financial, and the services rendered by agency to the mother and child."

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