Explores alternate methods of dealing with seniority in the post-World War II period and considers problems of automobile industry and auto manufacturers.
"Compares representative samples of Negro and white aged living in [Detroit] metropolitan area and points out the differences in need for, use of, and out-of-pocket expenditures for health services."
Lists three past Grand Exalted Rulers from Detroit (Arthur J. Riggs, Dr. J.W. Ames and Wallace Williams) and shows locations and names of all Michigan lodges.
Gives founding dates and first officers of Mt. Pavan Lodge No.45, Unity Lodge No. 46 in Detroit, and North Star Lodge of Grand Rapids, all of which united to form Unity Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan.
Quotes from studies of Negro in Detroit following first World War; states that delegates from Michigan attended second annual meeting of Nation Labor Union [Colored] in January, 1871.