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Traditional child rearing attidues characterize poor women who have never worked outside the home.

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Speakers at meeting chaired by Rev. Hill include Horace White, Christopher Alston, R.J. Thomas, Mayor Jeffries, and Dr. J.J. McClendon.

Analyzes "variations in attitudes and behavior [of random sample of Detroit Negro clergy] against the background of the current civil rights movement, [and evaluates] the Negro clergy's impact on the political life" of Detroit

Finds no significant differences between IQ's of seventy six white, seventy six Negro subjects, both groups reared in the North, selected from Herman Kiefer in-patients, and matched for age, education, physical disability.

Gives personal reactions to Tolan's victories; describes Sweet case from NAACP headquarters viewpoint.

Presents "factual data covering a wide range of tension areas," among them employment of Negro women (pg. 11) and upgrading of black workers in war plants (pg. 13-14), Sojourner Truth Housing Project (pg. 50-59), and Detroit police brutality (pg.…

Contains many tables and charts, i.e. geographical location, income, occupational distribution, of Negro college graduates 1826-1936 There are infrequent tabulations by state.


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