Browse Items (215 total)

Outlines work of Saginaw Branch on Ballard extradition case; and of Idlewood Branch correcting mistreatment of high school students.

Discusses charges of racial assignments of Detroit teachers made by Detroit Commission on Community Relations.

Tells why Lansing Board of Education decided to undertake busing to achieve racial balance in high schools.

Summarizes Pat Sexton's Education and Income, a Study of the Detroit school system.

Program was aimed at teachers and administrators to prepare them for continued desegregation. ERIC Document ED016740

Investigates influence of NAACP, National Urban League, CORE, and SNCC on public educational policy in Detroit, 1960 to 1965.

Presents program whose participants are largely from local social agencies , UAW, and University of Michigan.

This and the six precious editions, beginning in 1927, carry biographies of religious, educational, legal, financial, welfare, community, military, and other leaders. The geographical index of the seventh edition lists fifty-two Detroiters, eighteen…

Tries to measure the self-concept and attitudes toward school of students enrolled in grades three through six in thirteen inner-city schools in Flint; and attitudes of some fifty teachers toward these students.

Describes Detroit Writers' Project which in preparing new pre-primer series, studied language development and interests of inner-city child. (Reprinted as p.129-136 of The Under-achiever in Reading, Proceedings of the Annual conference on reading…
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